What is four-day days work week

As a new concept, the Four-day Work Week is being mentioned by more and more people. Numerous reports have shown that the time of the week is not fixed, and in fact , working less may actually be the key to better distributed, sustainable economic prosperity. An extra day of rest per week means that people have more time for private affairs, less commuting traffic, thus reducing carbon emissions. More importantly, the benefits of a four-day week go beyond that. The new working system allows people to work fewer hours without reducing output or wages. At the same time, more public spaces are needed. Psychological problems, unemployment, gender inequality and other issues will be solved more effectively. This creates a potentially virtuous cycle of better living conditions and the natural environment, with no decline in productivity. It will create the space needed to engage in time-intensive activities related to personal growth and community connection.

Benefit of four-day work week

The four-day work week is quickly gaining popularity. The blogosphere is alive with pages describing numerous benef i ts and recommending i t as a practice whose t ime has come. The four-day work week is a subset of the broader concept of alternative work arrangements. Alternative work ar rangements can include a variety of options such as leaves of absence, part-time work, and telecommuting. Many companies have started the transition to the new work system, with very positive results. With one extra day of to rest, employees are more productive, the possobilities of getting mental illness declines, and people have more time to do personal things, thus avoiding impulse spending. It's also important to note that people are commuting less, which has a very positive impact on the environment.